Bringing Back Free FastPass Wouldn’t Solve Disney’s Problems (2024)

Bringing Back Free FastPass Wouldn’t Solve Disney’s Problems (1) By Robin Burks
Posted on Posted on September 1, 2024

Before 2020, Disney World used to have what was basically a FREE way to skip the lines, something that is now called Lightning Lane Multi Pass and Lightning Lane Single Pass. Named FastPass+, this service would allow you to choose several rides BEFORE your trip to ride via a FastPass, thereby allowing you to skip the ride’s standby line.

You could also get FastPasses when visiting each park by obtaining physical FastPass tickets from machines near the rides that offered it: you’d get a ticket with a ride return time on it. Eventually, you could even book FastPasses on the My Disney Experience app. That system was later replaced with a paid system. However, even if Disney brought the free FastPass system back, it wouldn’t solve all our problems.

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Okay, so a little background. FastPass went away after the parks closed and then reopened in 2020. When the parks reopened, a lot of rules were in place due to the ongoing pandemic, including limited capacity in the parks and a six-foot social distancing policy in lines.

However, as these policies were relaxed and things returned to “normal,” Disney introduced Genie+, a new FastPass-like system that would allow Disney World visitors to skip standby lines and access those rides’ Lightning Lanes. The biggest difference is that the new system wasn’t free; you had to pay for it. The other difference is that you were no longer able to make any of your Lightning Lane selections in advance.

So Genie+, which cost an additional fee, replaced a FREE system that offered more features. Eventually, Disney also introduced surge pricing for Genie+, meaning that the price of the service changed depending on the demand of the day. The price also depended on which park you visited on a given day, with a popular park like Magic Kingdom costing more than a less popular park like Disney’s Animal Kingdom. A multi-park option was also available.

On top of that, the more popular rides offered something Disney called the Individual Lightning Lane option, which meant you had to pay an additional fee to bypass the standby lines for those rides. These are generally Disney World’s newer rides that tend to have hours-long standby lines.

Well, recently, Disney World changed Genie+ to Lightning Lane Multi Pass and Individual Lightning Lane to Lightning Lane Single Pass. This was more than just a change in name, though. Disney also began to offer the option to pre-book three Lightning Lane selections again, similar to what FastPass+ offered. Those staying at Disney World hotels can book up to seven days in advance, while everyone else can book three days in advance. Disney even brought back the ride tier system it used with FastPass+.

So here’s the thing: it’s highly unlikely that Disney’s free skip-the-line system will ever return. Why? Well, part of the reason has everything to do with money. Disney is simply making too much money from Lightning Lane Multi Pass and Single Pass. Instead of, say, raising ticket prices, Disney has this additional income coming in from visitors who don’t want to wait in long lines for rides.

So the good news is that this system has helped keep ticket prices down, although you might end up spending more in the long run. If Disney brought the free system back, it would more than likely need to raise prices, which would probably deter people from visiting the parks, which could hurt Disney’s bottom line. Disney is already dealing with low attendance at Disney World, so taking away a revenue source wouldn’t be a great idea right now.

Another reason is that Disney limits how many people can purchase both Lightning Lane Multi Passes and Lightning Lane Single Passes. Granted, FastPass+ was also limited, but it may be easier for Disney to manage the numbers since you now do everything through the My Disney Experience app. With the old system, Disney had to manage the numbers that came through the machines, as well as the pre-booked selections plus selections made on the app. Granted, if Disney brought back the free FastPasses, it would probably be completely digital on the app, but that could cause problems with the app (even more people would be trying to use it at once if it were free).

Finally, Disney introduced the new paid system so that it could better improve the guest experience and manage theme park attendance as well as lines at attractions. A paid system is going to help the company do that more than a free system.

So in the end, if Disney did bring back the free FastPass service, it might seem like a good thing to Disney World visitors, but it would probably not be so great for the company.

Check with AllEars again soon for more!

Genie+ Is Basically Becoming FastPass Again in Disney World and We Have PROOF

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Bringing Back Free FastPass Wouldn’t Solve Disney’s Problems (10)

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Bringing Back Free FastPass Wouldn’t Solve Disney’s Problems (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.