Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (2024)

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How Strong Are Your Abs (TAKE THIS TEST!)

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Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (1)

Get strong abs that show year round with this workout….
Have you ever wondered how strong your abs really are? If so, then you need to take this ab strength test before you do even one more ab workout. It is important to know the true strength of your abs before trying to do ab exercises because not knowing can lead you to get injured. If you try a hard ab exercise and wind up doing it with substitutions of other muscles (like hip flexors) you will likely put your back at risk of getting hurt..
The hip flexors are very dominant in ab exercises. They tend to try and take over the exercise while relegating the abdominals to a supporting role whenever possible. This is obviously not desirable for two big reasons. One, if you aren’t targeting your abs with the exercises you are trying to, you will likely never develop the six pack abs you are hoping to get. Second, if your abs are being dominated by a secondary muscle, you are inefficiently performing the exercise and compensating. These compensations can lead long term to breakdown of the joints near and supported by the core..
This quick double leg lowering test can be done on the floor right now without any equipment at all. It actually looks similar to a popular lower abs exercise. You lay on your back and bring your legs up to a position where they are perpendicular to the floor (at ninety degrees). Place your hands against the sides of your lower back to ensure that you are maintaining a posterior pelvic tilt and that there is no space at all in the small of your back and the floor..
Slowly lower your legs down to the ground, stopping at 75, 45, 30, and 15 degrees off the floor. If at any time you can’t hold the above positions for at least 2 seconds without your pelvis losing the posterior tilt and your back arching then you do not have optimal core and ab strength. The lower you can bring your legs before experiencing this loss of ab control, the stronger your abs are..
Ideally, you would be able to complete this ab strength test all the way down and then all the way back up without losing your ability to hold the pelvis. If you find that you have weak abs, you can perform this test as the exercise for strengthening the abs. It will fit into any ab workout and help you to build up the strength of your core on your way to a six pack..
If you are looking for unlimited ab workouts that match your strength and ability level, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Included with your day by day meal plans and workouts (hitting every muscle group in your body in a step by step system) you’ll also get ab workouts that change every day..
For more ab workout videos and ab exercises (from hard to easy) be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™

30 Minute Abs Workout Intense Core Workout with Warm Up and Cool Down

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Full info for this at home abs workout @
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Note: All information provided by Fitness Blender is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Fitness Blender harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.

Video taken from the channel: FitnessBlender

20 Minute Core Challenge Workout for Sculpted Abs and a Strong Core

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This 20 Minute workout uses just a mat to flatten and sculpt your abs, while strengthening your core all over. Options for all fitness levels..
Find the 4 Week Challenge Program HERE:

Video taken from the channel: BodyFit By Amy

5 Red Flags for Weak Abs (FIX THIS!)

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It doesn’t matter whether you have visible abs or not, the strength of your core is not something that can be assessed by how they look in a mirror. In this video, I’m going to show you 5 specific things you can look for that will act as red flags to alert you to an ab weakness that you are going to want to correct. For instance, something as simple as getting off the floor from your back (the right way!) can be challenging if you don’t have strong enough abs. Let’s dive in..
One of the first things you will want to look for is whether you feel your hip flexors fatigue before your abs do when you do any ab exercises. For instance, the ab scissor is one of the classic ab exercises that people of all levels of strength and ability will perform. It involves laying on your back and crossing your legs back and forth over each other for time. When the abs are weak however, the person doing this ab movement will unfortunately feel it in their legs and hip flexors leading to them having to stop because they can’t hold their legs up. Not good..
Instead, you want to make sure the abs are properly engaged by curling your shoulders off the ground before starting the scissor. This will act to engage the abs and stabilize the spine so that the hip flexors can work as assistance muscles and not the primary movers. Having strong abs will only make this easier in the long run..
Next, if you get low back pain during any ab exercises you need to stop and assess your strength. This should not happen. The reason it does however, goes back to the overactivity of the hip flexors. When the psoas pulls unopposed or in a highly imbalanced way, it will act to tug down and forward on the lumbar vertebrae because of its attachment to them. This has the effect of creating enormous amounts of stress and force on the low back which can lead to unnecessary pain..
To fix this you want to assess how you are hooking your feet during certain ab exercises like the sit-up and make sure you instead place the heels over something and pull back. This will engage the hamstrings and help to minimize the overactivity of the hip flexors. Also, by thinking about peeling your back off the floor one vertebra at a time and placing it back down the same way (as if you are rolling paint on the wall) will greatly assist in getting rid of the pain..
Bracing during the big lifts (bench, squats, and deadlifts) is something that is necessary to the proper performance of these exercises. That said, it is something that should be happening automatically almost as a background action. If you find that by consciously trying to brace you don’t just improve the efficiency and bar path of the movement but feel as if you could add significant weight to the bar, then your abs aren’t inherently strong enough to begin with and it is something you are going to want to work on..
The ability to activate the transverse abdominis muscle is crucial as well. This muscle runs horizontally around the waist (much like a weight belt does). When you lack the ability or control to contract it you wind up getting lower abs that tend to protrude despite the fact that they could even be ripped and defined. Learning how to activate this muscle is critical to having strong abs..
Finally, control in all three planes of motion is also crucial. I show you three tests that you can do to identify your ab strength in each. To boot, I show you how the simple act of getting off the floor the right way depends on having good core and ab strength. See if you can do it yourself and share it with your friends to see how they do..
For a step by step workout and nutrition plan to not only get your abs showing year round but make sure they are strong enough to do anything you want to do with them, be sure to click the link below and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. See how training like an athlete can get you looking and feeling like one in no time with me coaching you every step of the way..
For more videos on how to get abs fast and the best exercises for strong abs, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube below and turn on your notifications so you never miss a video when it’s published..
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Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™

Core Strength Ritual Yoga With Adriene

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Yoga With Adriene Core Strength Ritual! This 20 min core strength video is a great ritual for you to supplement your yoga practice or other workouts. Tone the belly, heal back pain, and find stability in the body..
Connect with the breath, repeat this ritual regularly, and enjoy the results. Great for that booty and your arms and shoulders too..
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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.

Video taken from the channel: Yoga With Adriene

Bowflex | 6 Minute Standing Ab Workout: Great Abs Off The Floor

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Like this video? Check out more Bowflex workouts here:
Don’t feel like going to the floor to give your abs an awesome workout? No problem! This workout will have your core burning big time without ever going to the floor! Make this workout your go-to if you don’t have a comfortable surface to lay on, don’t want to get down on a floor that’s seen a lot of foot traffic, or just want to mix up your ab routine..
For this 6 minute workout, you will be doing 4 ab exercises for 45 seconds each, two times through..
The 4 ab exercises are:
1) Punches Place your legs about shoulder width apart and twist your upper body, throwing a punch with your arm. Then twist the other direction and punch with your other arm. Your feet should stay mostly stationary, with just a little twist of the same foot of the arm that is punching to allow the body to twist..
2) Front Kicks Keep one leg planted and kick out with the other leg, focusing on contracting your abs when you kick. Alternate legs after each kick. Be sure you have plenty of space to do this exercise and don’t kick anything or anyone!
3) Standing Marches Start with both hands straight up in the air and bring one knee all the way up while bringing your arms down, keeping your hands above your elbows and near your body, so your elbows and knee line up, with your knee in between both arms. As you do this, squeeze your abs. Return to the starting position and do the same thing with your other knee, and continue to alternate knees..
4) Standing Cross Crunch:
Knee to Elbow Variant Bring one arm up so your elbow is at chest height and your hand is above your elbow, and bring your opposite knee up while bringing that arm down so your elbow meets your knee (don’t hit them together hard). As you do this, squeeze your abs. Return them back to their starting point and do the same thing with your other knee and elbow, and continue to alternate..
Extended Leg Variant Kick one of your legs straight out, keeping your leg as straight as possible, and reach out to touch the toes of that leg with your opposite hand. Alternate legs and arms throughout the workout..
Don’t worry if you can’t kick super high or touch your toes when you do this workout, just make sure you are doing the range of motion that you are able to do and engaging your abs with each move..
If you don’t have the time for a 6 minute ab workout, try our 3 Minute Standing Ab Workout:
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Quick workouts: Find all the fitness solutions you’ll ever need to be a healthier you.. to the Bowflex Insider blog to read the latest in all things related to fitness and health and find simple ways to help you reach your goals. #StrongerEveryDay.
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Video taken from the channel: Bowflex

How to Engage Your Core Abdominal Muscles in 3 Easy Steps (Physical Therapy Guide)

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Learn how to engage your core abdominal muscles correctly with the essential core basics (correct posture, breathing and abdominal core muscle activation) with Michelle from This core exercise video is a starting point for beginners, core rehabilitation and anyone looking to engage their core abdominal muscles correctly..
More Safe Core Videos:
Physio Safe Core Exercises
How to Engage Your Core.
The 3 key elements for correctly engaging your core abdominal muscles are:
1. Breathing.
2. Posture Correction.
3. Correctly engage your core abdominal muscles.
These elements all work together. If your posture is poor, your breathing will be affected and your core abdominal muscles won’t work well. To correctly engage your core follow these key elements before commencing specific core abdominal rehabilitation exercises including pelvic floor, deep abdominal and spinal muscle exercises..
1. Correct your Breathing.
The first place to start your training is correct breathing. Breathing exercises improve pain and quality of life with core dysfunction related conditions such as chronic lower back pain.(1) The core muscles all work best when breathing patterns are corrected.(2).
Breathing Exercises.
One of the most common issues underlying core dysfunction is poor breathing patterns. Many people with core problems breathe incorrectly using their upper chest..
Correct breathing involves diaphragmatic breathing which involves breathing into the base of the lungs..
How to do Diaphragmatic Breathing.
• Start sitting or lying down.
• Imagine a ring encircling your lower ribs and wrapping right around your body.
• Breathe in and expand this ring.
• Alternatively use your hands on your on your lower rib cage and feel them move outwards as you breathe in.
• Breathe slowly drawing the breath deep into your lungs making your rib cage wide (feel abdomen and rib cage both move outwards).
• Avoid lifting your ribs and upper chest forwards as you breathe in.
• Breathe out slowly allowing your ribs to return to back to your starting.
2. Posture Correction.
How to Correct Your Posture.
Correct posture involves a ‘neutral spine’ position. This position involves a slight inwards curve of the lower back with the chest and rib cage relaxed.(3).
Correct Your Sitting Posture.
• Sit with your feet flat on the ground and your knees hip width apart.
• Sit with your body weight evenly distributed between your two sit bones.
• Lift the crown of your head upwards to lengthen your spine.
• Keep your chest relaxed.
• Gently engage your deep abdominal muscles.
• Maintain the slight inward curve in your lower back.
Research shows that this sitting posture involves greatest core abdominal and spinal muscle activity compared with slumped forwards posture and hyper extended back (arched) posture.(4).
3. Engage Your Core Abdominal Muscles.
Start in the tall sitting position described already. Breathe into your abdomen and the base of your rib cage..
• Place your hands and fingers over your lower abdominal wall just inside your pelvic bones.
• Gently draw your lower abdomen inwards towards your spine (this is the area beneath your briefs).
• Keep breathing normally and maintain your good sitting posture throughout.
• Try to keep your deep abdominal muscles engaged for up to 5 breaths at a time before relaxing your abdomen..
Progress this core exercise by engaging your lower abdominal muscles when standing and walking as your core control improves..
1. Anderson, B & Huxel Bliven, K (2016). The Use of Breathing Exercises in the Treatment of Chronic, Non-Specific Low Back Pain. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 26. 10.1123/jsr.2015-0199..
Movement Therapies Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 541-559..
2. Roussel, N, Nijs, J, Truijen, S, Vervecken, L, Mottram, S., Stassijns, G. (2009) Altered breathing patterns during lumbopelvic motor control tests in chronic low back pain: a case control study. Eur. Spine J. 18 (7), 1066e1073..
3. Key, J, Clift, A, Condie, F, Harley, C, (2008) A model of movement dysfunction provides a classification system guiding diagnosis and therapeutic care in spinal pain and related musculoskeletal pain disorders: a paradigm shift e part 2. J. Bodyw. Move. Ther. 12, 105e120..
4. O’Sullivan P, Dankaerts W, Burnett A, Farrell G, Jefford E, Naylor C, et al. (2006a) Effect of different upright sitting postures on spinal-pelvic curvature and trunk muscle activation in a pain-free population. Spine 31(19):E707-12.

Video taken from the channel: Michelle Kenway

Move 1: Toe Taps. Lie on your back, legs at a 90-degree angle and knees over your hips. Then, one leg at a time (or with both legs), hinge your knees so your toes move toward the ground.

Only go as far as you can while maintaining a tiny space under your lower back (a neutral pelvis position).Because the diaphragm forms the top of the canister, good breathing mechanics are key in establishing and maintaining good core control. Physical therapy can be beneficial in training the core muscles to help reduce pain and optimize function. Minnesota Physical Rehabilitation.Lie on back with arms extended, reaching straight from shoulders to the sky.

Bend and raise knees so they form a 90-degree angle. (Shins should be parallel to the floor.) Squeeze abs and press.With more than a decade of experience in the fitness space, Saltos is the secret behind the rock-solid abs of some of your favorite Instagram influencers, like Jen Atkin, Camila Coelho and Aimee.Keep going until your body is parallel to the ground in a pushup position. Now, keep your hands in place and slowly take short steps with your feet, moving only a few inches at a time. Continue walking until your feet are by hour hands, keeping your legs straight as you do so.

Keep low back pressed to the floor, brace core, then slowly and simultaneously extend and lower left leg and right arm to hover just above mat. Pause, then return to start and repeat on the.Eat Your Way to Chiseled Abs The best way to be able to see all of your ab muscles is to eat properly. An anti-inflammatory dietreduces fat cells, bloat, and puffiness under the skin. In addition to an anti-inflammatory diet, it also helps to track your caloriesand your “macros” – the ratio of fats, carbs, and proteins.

Your best approach is to use a mix of ab and core exercises to keep your midsection strong and ready for what life throws at it. In the end, it’s not so important to know which exercises work the specific muscles. Just include a variety and use this KEY tip below. Before you begin any abdominal or core exercise, engage your core muscles.

Strong core muscles make it easier to do many activities, such as swing a golf club, get a glass from the top shelf and bend down to tie your shoes. Strong core muscles are also important for athletes, such as runners, as weak core muscles can lead to more fatigue, less endurance and injuries.This covers planks, and push-ups with good form (where your body is in a perfect plank all the way down).

It also includes inverted rows, like in the video above. You use one arm or one leg so.Train Frequently, but Don’t Forget Rest.

Yes, it’s true that you can work your core more often than other muscle groups. In reality, you have to. Every compound move you do is going to tax them a little bit, so if they didn’t have some god-like endurance, a two-day training split would be out of the question.Two exercises keep proving to be gold standards of core strengthening: the crunch, which firms the more superficial abs-the rectus abdominis down the center and the obliques along the sides-and the plank, which works the deep, corset-like transverse abdominis.These are made up of exercises that strengthen the abs and trunk, and work to improve abdominal muscular fitness.

Completing these core exercises, as opposed to crunches and sit-ups, helps strengthen, tone and build the underlying abdominal muscles, resulting in noticeably stronger abs!If you want to strengthen your core, doing hundreds of crunches won’t help. In fact, you should stop doing crunches because they aren’t good for your back. If you want a strong core.Think of your core muscles as the sturdy, central link in a chain connecting your upper and lower body.

No matter what you do – getting out of bed, hitting a tennis ball, vacuuming the house – the motions either originate in your core, or move through it. A strong, flexible core underpins virtually everything we do: Everyday acts.

List of related literature:

While this definition is technically correct, at least in part, it’s important to recognize that the core is more than just your abs.

Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (8)
fromComplete Conditioning for Swimming
by Dave Salo, Scott A. Riewald
Human Kinetics, 2008

Even though the abdominal muscles are an important part of the core, core training is not about abdominal conditioning.

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fromSports & Exercise Massage E-Book: Comprehensive Care in Athletics, Fitness, & Rehabilitation
by Sandy Fritz
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2012

It’s simple: at the bottom of the movement, take a deep breath and then “lock it down” by tightening your abs, obliques, and diaphragm muscles.

Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (10)
fromGlute Lab: The Art and Science of Strength and Physique Training
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Perform a variety of core exercises to work all facets of conditioning: lower and upper abs, obliques, and the spinal erectors.

Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (11)
fromTraining for Climbing: The Definitive Guide to Improving Your Performance
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Falcon Guides, 2008

When you exercise your core, you also tone your abs, keep your lower back strong, and improve your posture.

Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (12)
fromThe Sugar Smart Diet: Stop Cravings and Lose Weight While Still Enjoying the Sweets You Love
by Anne Alexander, Julia VanTine
Rodale Books, 2013

In addition, upper-body pushing movements require a lot of core stability and engage your abs from start to finish.

Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (13)
fromYour Body Is Your Barbell: Lose Weight and Get into the Best Shape of Your Life in just 6 Weeks Using Nothing but Your own Bodyweight
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Core The plank: This is one of the best, and simplest, ways to work the abdominal muscles.

Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (14)
fromMuscle Medicine: The Revolutionary Approach to Maintaining, Strengthening, and Repairing Your Muscles and Joints
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Most people think the core is synonymous with abdominal muscles.

Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (15)
fromThe Life Plan: How Any Man Can Achieve Lasting Health, Great Sex, and a Stronger, Leaner Body
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Since the core and back are top priorities, I presenthere a few exercise manuals that target the abdominal muscles and the back.

Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (16)
fromThe Warrior Diet: Switch on Your Biological Powerhouse for High Energy, Explosive Strength, and a Leaner, Harder Body
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North Atlantic Books, 2007

People tend to think the core consists only of the abdominal muscles; however, your core actually includes your whole trunk.

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fromKettlebells For Dummies
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Wiley, 2010

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  1. The way a Strong Core Will Keep You Fit and Discomfort-Free
  2. 10 Oblique Exercises Abs Workout For any Strong, Shredded Core
  3. Plank Exercise The Only Real Movement You’ll Need For Any Strong Core
  4. The Very Best Sit-Up Variations for any Strong Core
  5. Strong towards the Core Workout
  6. 4 Kneeling Exercises For any Strong Core
Your Core Is Not Only Your Abs Here Is How to help keep It Strong - Workouts | (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.